Published in Untameable City ~ Mutablis Press
Chicks love the Batwing
Art car of cool steel
Birthed by the hero of the hood.
Sculpted with an art heart.
Torches blaze as he roars past my window.
Teeth grills grin from glass and dashboard
Skull eyes flame from side windows
Chicks see a cool dude in the driver’s seat.
I see a hero.
Chicks love the Batwing.
I love the Bat.
Art car of cool steel
Birthed by the hero of the hood.
Sculpted with an art heart.
Torches blaze as he roars past my window.
Teeth grills grin from glass and dashboard
Skull eyes flame from side windows
Chicks see a cool dude in the driver’s seat.
I see a hero.
Chicks love the Batwing.
I love the Bat.